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Subject: Re: Reading/Writing FT4232 EEPROM

From: Anders Larsen <al@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: libftdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 10:31:45 +0200

On 2013-06-20 17:00, Ori Idan wrote:
Thank you, it still does not work.
I use the command: sudo ftdi_eeprom --read-eeprom example.conf
I get EEPROM size: -1

aah, that means that the EEPROM is erased (all 0xff);
see ftdi_read_eeprom() in ftdi.c: "Guesses size of eeprom ... will not work with blank eeprom"

Checksum Error: aaaa 0000
Malloc failed, aborting

these errors follow from EEPROM size being -1

FTDI close: 0

I used the following configuration:

looks good

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