libftdi Archives

Subject: Re: Synchronous FIFO hardware considerations, was: Re: kudos

From: Thomas Heller <theller@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: libftdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2012 19:35:49 +0200
Am 03.04.2012 18:50, schrieb Uwe Bonnes:
"Thomas" == Thomas Heller<theller@xxxxxxxxxx>  writes:

     Thomas>  Sure it is something similar to /dev/null currently.

If there is some physical transfer I don't consider it as /dev/null...

     Thomas>  I'm using
     Thomas>  a FT2232H minimodule, TXE# is connected to WR#, and RXF# is
     Thomas>  connected to RD#.  Let's just assume that my FPGA that I will
     Thomas>  connect next can keep up with the read/write cycles.

The FPGA should easily cope with the rate. What's hard to reach is the
timing. WR# needs minimum 11 ns before CLKOUT, so with 16.667 ns period you
have only 5.667 ns in the FPGA. You won't reach that with a XC6S-4 device. I
had to relax the constraints for about 1/2 ns.

Sure, we had this before.  I need an XC6S-3 anyway to meet the timing
constraints for my logic; parts of that need to operate with 250 MHz clock.
Then, the FT232H is a little mit faster.  Finally, I have seen a trick
where the RD# and WR# signals are pipelined outside the FPGA through
D-flipflops - although the state machine must be changed to work with that approach. I haven't yet thought this through but will consider it.

     Thomas>  My program uses a home-grown ctypes based python wrapper for
     Thomas>  libftdi, it reads resp. writes in 1MB blocks from/to the
     Thomas>  minimodule.  The functions that I use are ftdi_read_data() and
     Thomas>  ftdi_write_data(); the program measures the time that these
     Thomas>  calls take and reports a datarate of MB/s in each thread.

     Thomas>  I'm looking with an oscilloscope at the RD# and WR# signals, a
     Thomas>  screen shot is attached.  I can see bursts of 8 block (of 512
     Thomas>  bytes probably).

With real data every time the FTx232H is not ready you need more clocks to
recover than with your data-shortcut. So data rate might drop. But we also
reach>  16 MByte/s.

Well, actually my application needs to write with a rate of less than
1MB/s, but should be able to read with 10MB/s or more. The most important point, however, is that there should not be too long pauses
in the reading stream because the FPGA cannot buffer too much data.
And I don't wont to learn how to build a real deep fifo with a DDR2 memory.


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