libftdi Archives

Subject: Re: FT232RL - CBUS Config Problems

From: DJ Delorie <dj@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: libftdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 12:08:47 -0400
Just for fun, here's the whole tool (I think it has no dependencies):

  Copyright (C) 2010 DJ Delorie <dj@xxxxxxxxxx>

  This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
  Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this file; see the file COPYING3.  If not see

/* This is the start of a program to read and write the EEPROM in the
   FT232R family of chips.  It currently works partly; it doesn't set
   all the fields that the FTDI utility does.  Mostly, this exists for
   non-Windows platforms.  */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <getopt.h>

#include <ftdi.h>

typedef unsigned char byte;

extern int verbose;
#define dprintf if (verbose>1) printf

static struct ftdi_context handle_s;
static struct ftdi_context *handle = &handle_s;

#define MAX_EEPROM 256

int read_mode = 0;
int write_mode = 0;
const char *ept_filename;
FILE *ept_file;

char *read_file = NULL;
char *write_file = NULL;

typedef struct {
  byte b0;                      /* 00 */
#define EE_B0_HIGH_CURRENT      0x04
#define EE_B0_D2XX_DRIVER       0x08
  byte b1;                      /* 01 */
  byte idVendor[2];             /* 02-03 */
  byte idProduct[2];            /* 04-05 */
  byte device[2];               /* 06-07 */
  byte config;                  /* 08 */
#define EE_CONFIG_BASE          0x80
#define EE_CONFIG_SELFPOWER     0x40
#define EE_CONFIG_REMOTEWAKE    0x20
  byte max_power;               /* 09 */
  byte chip_config;             /* 0A */
#define EE_CHIP_USB_VERSION     0x10
#define EE_CHIP_SERIALNO        0x08
#define EE_CHIP_SUSPEND_PD      0x04
#define EE_CHIP_OUT_ISOCHRON    0x02
#define EE_CHIP_IN_ISOCHRON     0x01
  byte invert;                  /* 0B */
#define EE_INVERT_RI            0x80
#define EE_INVERT_DCD           0x40
#define EE_INVERT_DSR           0x20
#define EE_INVERT_DTR           0x10
#define EE_INVERT_CTS           0x08
#define EE_INVERT_RTS           0x04
#define EE_INVERT_RXD           0x02
#define EE_INVERT_TXD           0x01
  byte usb_version_low;         /* 0C */
  byte usb_version_high;        /* 0D */
  byte manuf_str_ofs;           /* 0E */
  byte manuf_str_len;           /* 0F */
  byte device_str_ofs;          /* 10 */
  byte device_str_len;          /* 11 */
  byte serial_str_ofs;          /* 12 */
  byte serial_str_len;          /* 13 */
  byte c0_c1;                   /* 14 */
  byte c2_c3;                   /* 15 */
  byte c4;                      /* 16 */
  byte strings[0x7e - 0x17];    /* 17 - 7D */
#define STRING_BASE 0x17;
  byte checksum_low;            /* 7E */
  byte checksum_high;           /* 7F */
} EEProm;

typedef struct {
  union {
    byte buf[MAX_EEPROM];
    EEProm eeprom;
  int buf_size;
  char manuf[MAX_EEPROM];
  char device[MAX_EEPROM];
  char serial[MAX_EEPROM];

EEPROM rbuf;
EEPROM wbuf;

static int
Fail1(int status, const char *file, int line, const char *sline)
  const char *er = "Unknown error";

  if (status >= 0)
    return status;

  er = ftdi_get_error_string (handle);

  printf("%s:%d: Error %s (%d) doing %s\n", file, line, er, status, sline);

#define Fail(x) Fail1(x,__FILE__,__LINE__,#x)

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

#ifdef __WIN32
#undef isatty
#define isatty(x) 0

static void
color (int n)
  static int tty = -2;
  static int last_color = -2;
  if (tty == -2)
    tty = isatty (1);
  if (!tty)
  if (n == last_color)
  last_color = n;
  printf("\033[%dm", n);

static int
min3 (int a, int b, int c)
  if (a < b && a < c)
    return a;
  if (b < c)
    return b;
  return c;

static const char *cbus_purposes[16] = {
  "txden",      "pwron",        "rxled",        "txled",
  "txrx",       "sleep",        "clk48",        "clk24",
  "clk12",      "clk6",         "io",           "bbWR",
  "bbRD",       "rxf",          "?14",          "?15"

#define CBUS_TXDEN      0
#define CBUS_PWRON      1
#define CBUS_RXLED      2
#define CBUS_TXLED      3
#define CBUS_TXRX       4
#define CBUS_SLEEP      5
#define CBUS_CLK48      6
#define CBUS_CLK24      7
#define CBUS_CLK12      8
#define CBUS_CLK6       9
#define CBUS_IO         10
#define CBUS_BBWR       11
#define CBUS_BBRD       12
#define CBUS_RXF        13

static const char *inverts[8] = {
  "txd", "rxd", "rts", "cts", "dtr", "dsr", "dcd", "ri"

static char *cb, *ci, *cs, *cr;

static void
cbus (int which, int purpose)
  printf("CBUS%d: %s%s%s", which, cb, cbus_purposes[purpose], cr);
  if (which == 4)

static void
decode_imagebuf (EEPROM *eeprom)
  EEProm *e = & eeprom->eeprom;
  int i;
  unsigned short ck;

  if (isatty (1))
      cb = "\033[34m";
      ci = "\033[36m";
      cs = "\033[32m";
      cr = "\033[0m";
      cb = ci = cs = cr = "";

  printf("High Current: %s%s%s\n", cb, (e->b0 & EE_B0_HIGH_CURRENT) ? "enabled" 
: "disabled", cr);
  printf("Driver: %s%s%s\n", cb, (e->b0 & EE_B0_D2XX_DRIVER) ? "D2XX" : "VCP", 
  printf("idVendor:  %s0x%02x%02x%s\t", ci, e->idVendor[1], e->idVendor[0], cr);
  printf("idProduct: %s0x%02x%02x%s\t", ci, e->idProduct[1], e->idProduct[0], 
  printf("idDevice:  %s0x%02x%02x%s\n", ci, e->device[1], e->device[0], cr);
  printf("config:%s", cb);
  if (e->config & EE_CONFIG_SELFPOWER)     printf(" self-powered");
  if (e->config & EE_CONFIG_REMOTEWAKE)    printf(" remote-wake");
  if (e->config & EE_CONFIG_BATTERYPOWER)  printf(" battery-power");
  printf("%s\n", cr);
  printf("Max power: %s%d%s mA\n", ci, e->max_power * 2, cr);
  printf("Chip config:%s", cb);
  if (e->chip_config & EE_CHIP_USB_VERSION)   printf(" use-usb-version");
  if (e->chip_config & EE_CHIP_SERIALNO)      printf(" use-serial-no");
  if (e->chip_config & EE_CHIP_SUSPEND_PD)    printf(" suspend-pull-down");
  if (e->chip_config & EE_CHIP_OUT_ISOCHRON)  printf(" out-isochronos");
  if (e->chip_config & EE_CHIP_IN_ISOCHRON)   printf(" in-isochronos");
  printf("%s\n", cr);
  printf("Invert:%s", cb);
  for (i=0; i<8; i++)
    if (e->invert & (1 << i))   printf(" %s", inverts[i]);
  printf("%s\n", cr);
  printf("USB Version: %s%d.%d%s\n", ci, e->usb_version_high, 
e->usb_version_low, cr);
  printf ("Manufacturer: \"%s%s%s\"\n", cs, eeprom->manuf, cr);
  printf ("Device: \"%s%s%s\"\n",  cs, eeprom->device, cr);
  printf ("Serial number: \"%s%s%s\"\n", cs, eeprom->serial, cr);
  cbus (0, e->c0_c1 & 0x0f);
  cbus (1, e->c0_c1 >> 4);
  cbus (2, e->c2_c3 & 0x0f);
  cbus (3, e->c2_c3 >> 4);
  cbus (4, e->c4    & 0x0f);

  ck = 0xAAAA;
  for (i=0; i<126; i+=2)
      unsigned short v = eeprom->buf[i] + 256 * eeprom->buf[i+1];
      ck ^= v;
      ck = (ck << 1) | (ck >> 15);
  if (e->checksum_low == (ck & 0xff)
      && e->checksum_high == (ck >> 8))
    printf("Checksum: %sValid%s\n", cb, cr);
    printf("Checksum: %sINVALID%s\n", cb, cr);

static void
dump_imagebuf (byte *buf)
  int i, j;
  for (i=0; i<MAX_EEPROM; i += 16)
      printf("%02x  : ", i);
      for (j=i; j<i+16; j++)
          if (j % 16 == 8)
            putchar(' ');
          color (buf[j] == 0xff ? 34 : buf[j] ? 32 : 0);
          printf(" %02x", buf[j]);
      color (0);
      printf ("  :  ");
      for (j=i; j<i+16; j++)
          if (j % 16 == 8)
            putchar(' ');
          if (isgraph (buf[j]))
              color (32);
              putchar (buf[j]);
              color (0);
      color (0);
      printf("  :  %02x\n", i);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

static void
close_chip ()
  ftdi_deinit (handle);

static void
choose_chip (int chosen)
  int i;
  int num_devices;
  struct ftdi_device_list *device_info;
  struct usb_device *u_chose = NULL;

  Fail (ftdi_init (handle));

  num_devices = Fail (ftdi_usb_find_all (handle, &device_info, 0x0403, 0x6001));
  printf("%d device%s connected", num_devices, num_devices?"":"s");
  if (num_devices > 1 && chosen >= 0)
    printf(", you chose device %d", chosen);

  if (num_devices == 0)
      printf("um, no FTDI devices present.\n");

  for (i=0; i<num_devices; i++)
      char manufacturer[200], description[200], serial[200];
      struct usb_device *u = device_info->dev;

      ftdi_usb_get_strings (handle, u, manufacturer, 200, description, 200, 
serial, 200);

      if (i == chosen)
        u_chose = u;

      printf("Dev %2d: ", i);
      printf("Filename \"%s\", " , device_info->dev->filename);
      printf("Manf \"%s\", ", manufacturer);
      printf("Desc \"%s\", ", description);
      printf("Ser# \"%s\"\n", serial);
      device_info = device_info->next;

  if (num_devices > 1 && !u_chose)
      printf("Too many devices to choose from!  Use \"-choose <n>\" to 
      exit (1);

  if (u_chose)
    Fail (ftdi_usb_open_dev (handle, u_chose));
    Fail (ftdi_usb_open (handle, 0x0403, 0x6001));

  atexit (close_chip);

static int
read_eeprom (byte *buf)
  int s;
  s = ftdi_read_eeprom_getsize (handle, buf, MAX_EEPROM);
  return s;

static void
write_eeprom (byte *buf)
  ftdi_write_eeprom (handle, buf);

static void
read_imagefile (char *filename, byte *buf)
  FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb");
  if (!f)
      perror (filename);
      exit (1);
  fread (buf, 1, MAX_EEPROM, f);
  fclose (f);

static void
write_imagefile (char *filename, byte *buf)
  FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb");
  if (!f)
      perror (filename);
      exit (1);
  fwrite (buf, 1, MAX_EEPROM, f);
  fclose (f);

static void
extract_string (EEPROM *e, int ofs, char *str)
  int len;
  ofs &= 0x7f;
  len = e->buf[ofs] - 2;
  if (len < 0)
      *str = 0;
  ofs += 2;
  while (len)
      *str++ = e->buf[ofs];
      ofs += 2;
      len -= 2;
  *str = 0;

static void
extract_strings (EEPROM *e)
  extract_string (e, e->eeprom.manuf_str_ofs, e->manuf);
  extract_string (e, e->eeprom.device_str_ofs, e->device);
  extract_string (e, e->eeprom.serial_str_ofs, e->serial);

static int
store_string (EEPROM *e, int i, byte *ofs, byte *len, char *str)
  int slen = strlen (str);
  int save_ofs = i;
  char *save_str = str;
  *ofs = i | 0x80;
  *len = slen * 2 + 2;
  e->buf[i] = slen * 2 + 2;
  e->buf[i+1] = 3;
  i += 2;
  while (slen)
      e->buf[i] = *str++;
      e->buf[i+1] = 0;
      i += 2;
      if (i > 125)
          fprintf(stderr, "Error: string table overflow storing \"%s\" at %d\n",
                  save_str, save_ofs);
      slen --;
  return i;

static void
store_strings (EEPROM *e)
  int i = min3 (e->eeprom.manuf_str_ofs,
  i &= 0x7f;
  i = store_string (e, i, &e->eeprom.manuf_str_ofs, &e->eeprom.manuf_str_len, 
  i = store_string (e, i, &e->eeprom.device_str_ofs, &e->eeprom.device_str_len, 
  i = store_string (e, i, &e->eeprom.serial_str_ofs, &e->eeprom.serial_str_len, 

static void
recompute_checksum (EEPROM *e)
  int i;
  unsigned short ck = 0xAAAA;
  for (i=0; i<126; i+=2)
      unsigned short v = e->buf[i] + 256 * e->buf[i+1];
      ck ^= v;
      ck = (ck << 1) | (ck >> 15);
  e->eeprom.checksum_low = ck & 0xff;
  e->eeprom.checksum_high = ck >> 8;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

static void
usage (char *argv0)
  int i;
  fprintf (stderr, "Usage: EEProm [-choose <num>] [options]   (short options in 

  fprintf (stderr, "\nIf these are given, the device is updated:\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "  -cbus0 <purpose>    choose cbus0 pin's purpose.  Same for 
1,2,3,4 (-0,-1,etc)\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "   ");
  for (i=0; i<16; i++)
    fprintf(stderr, " %s", cbus_purposes[i]);
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");

  fprintf (stderr, "  -invert <pin,...>   say which pins are inverted.  Use 
+pin or -pin to change\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "                      just the listed, else all not listed 
are cleared. (-i)\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "   ");
  for (i=0; i<8; i++)
    fprintf(stderr, " %s", inverts[i]);
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "  -manuf[acturer] \"<str>\"\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "  -device \"<str>\"\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "  -serial \"<str>\"     set the manufacturer, device, or 
serial number strings\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "  -power <mAmps>      set max power (-p)\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "  -self               device is self-powered\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "  -bus                device is bus-powered\n");

  fprintf (stderr, "\nIf these are given, nothing is written back to the 
  fprintf (stderr, "  -decode             decode the eeprom rather than update 
  fprintf (stderr, "  -dump               hex dump the eeprom rather than 
update it\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "  -backup <file>      back up the eeprom data to <file>\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "  -restore <file>     restore the eeprom data from 

  fprintf (stderr, "\nExamples:\n\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "  %s -choose 2 -invert +dtr,ri -device \"FT232R - R8C\" -2 
clk48\n", argv0);
  fprintf (stderr, "  %s -decode\n", argv0);
  fprintf (stderr, "  %s -backup\n", argv0);
  exit (1);

typedef enum {
} OptionVals;

static struct option EEProm_options[] = {
  { "cbus0", 1, 0, '0' },
  { "cbus1", 1, 0, '1' },
  { "cbus2", 1, 0, '2' },
  { "cbus3", 1, 0, '3' },
  { "cbus4", 1, 0, '4' },
  { "invert", 1, 0, 'i' },
  { "manuf", 1, 0, OPT_MANUF },
  { "manufacturer", 1, 0, OPT_MANUF },
  { "device", 1, 0, OPT_DEVICE },
  { "serial", 1, 0, OPT_SERIAL },
  { "power", 1, 0, 'p' },
  { "self", 0, 0, OPT_SELF },
  { "bus", 0, 0, OPT_BUS },

  { "decode", 0, 0, OPT_DECODE },
  { "dump", 0, 0, OPT_DUMP },
  { "backup", 1, 0, OPT_BACKUP },
  { "restore", 1, 0, OPT_RESTORE },
  { NULL, 0, 0, 0 }

typedef enum {
} Invert_Mode;

main(int argc, char **argv)
  char optch;
  EEProm *e;
  int just_exit = 0;
  int i, c;
  int chosen = -1;

  if (argc > 2
      && (strcmp (argv[1], "-choose") == 0
          || strcmp (argv[1], "--choose") == 0))
      char *argv0 = argv[0];
      chosen = atoi (argv[2]);
      argv += 2;
      argc -= 2;
      argv[0] = argv0;

  choose_chip (chosen);

  rbuf.buf_size = read_eeprom (rbuf.buf);
  extract_strings (&rbuf);

  memcpy (&wbuf, &rbuf, sizeof(EEPROM));
  e = & wbuf.eeprom;

  while ((optch = getopt_long_only (argc, argv, "0:1:2:3:4:i:p:",
                                    EEProm_options, NULL)) != -1)
      switch (optch)
        case OPT_DECODE:
          store_strings (&wbuf);
          recompute_checksum (&wbuf);
          decode_imagebuf (&wbuf);
          just_exit = 1;

        case OPT_DUMP:
          store_strings (&wbuf);
          recompute_checksum (&wbuf);
          dump_imagebuf (wbuf.buf);
          just_exit = 1;

        case OPT_BACKUP:
          printf("backing up to %s\n", optarg);
          write_imagefile (optarg, rbuf.buf);
          exit (0);

        case OPT_RESTORE:
          printf("restoring from %s\n", optarg);
          read_imagefile (optarg, wbuf.buf);
          write_eeprom (wbuf.buf);
          exit (0);

        case '0':
        case '1':
        case '2':
        case '3':
        case '4':
          c = optch - '0';
          for (i=0; i<16; i++)
            if (strcmp (optarg, cbus_purposes[i]) == 0)
          if (i == 16)
              fprintf(stderr, "Error: \"%s\" is not a valid CBUS purpose:\n", 
              for (i=0; i<16; i++)
                fprintf(stderr, " %s", cbus_purposes[i]);
              fprintf(stderr, "\n");
              exit (1);
          switch (c)
            case 0:
              e->c0_c1 = (e->c0_c1 & 0xf0) | i;
            case 1:
              e->c0_c1 = (e->c0_c1 & 0x0f) | (i << 4);
            case 2:
              e->c2_c3 = (e->c2_c3 & 0xf0) | i;
            case 3:
              e->c2_c3 = (e->c2_c3 & 0x0f) | (i << 4);
            case 4:
              e->c4 = i;

        case 'i':
            char *opt, save;
            Invert_Mode imode;

            imode = INV_NONE;
            opt = optarg;
            while (*opt)
                if (*opt == '+')
                    imode = INV_ADD;
                    opt ++;
                else if (*opt == '-')
                    imode = INV_SUB;
                    opt ++;
                    char *sp = opt;
                    while (*sp && *sp != ',')
                    save = *sp;
                    *sp = 0;

                    for (i=0; i<8; i++)
                      if (strcmp (inverts[i], opt) == 0)
                    if (i == 8)
                        fprintf(stderr, "Error: \"%s\" is not a valid 
invertable pin:\n", opt);
                        for (i=0; i<8; i++)
                          fprintf(stderr, " %s", inverts[i]);
                        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
                        exit (1);
                    switch (imode)
                      case INV_NONE:
                        imode = INV_ADD;
                        e->invert = 0;
                      case INV_ADD:
                        e->invert |= 1 << i;
                      case INV_SUB:
                        e->invert &= ~(1 << i);
                    *sp = save;
                    opt = sp;
                    if (*opt == ',')
                      opt ++;

        case OPT_MANUF:
          strcpy (wbuf.manuf, optarg);
        case OPT_DEVICE:
          strcpy (wbuf.device, optarg);
        case OPT_SERIAL:
          strcpy (wbuf.serial, optarg);

        case 'p':
          e->max_power = atoi (optarg) / 2;

        case OPT_SELF:
          e->config |= EE_CONFIG_SELFPOWER;
        case OPT_BUS:
          e->config &= ~EE_CONFIG_SELFPOWER;
          usage (argv[0]);
          exit (0);

  if (just_exit)
    exit (0);

  store_strings (&wbuf);
  recompute_checksum (&wbuf);

  if (memcmp (rbuf.buf, wbuf.buf, 127))
      printf("writing out new EEProm...\n");
      write_eeprom (wbuf.buf);
    printf("no changes need to be written out\n");

  return 0;

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