libftdi Archives

Subject: Re: CMake modernization PR

From: Thomas Jarosch <thomas.jarosch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: libftdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Andrew Marshall <planetmarshalluk@xxxxxxxxx>, Shawn Hoffman <godisgovernment@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 2 May 2021 10:10:52 +0200
Hi Andrew,

You wrote on Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 11:47:00AM +0000:
> I've done some work on modernizing CMake usage in the project as
> preparation for adding 1.x versions to the conan package repository -
> Not sure how to submit a PR to the main repo, but I've forked it on github
> here -

sorry for taking so long to reply, but better late than never. :)

Changes to libftdi are usually sent as patches to the mailinglist (oldschool).
I can also grab changes from a github branch, no problem.

Here's a quick research what kind of CMake versions are used in the wild:

Centos 7:
Centos 8: 3.11.4
Fedora 33: 3.19.7
Debian buster: 3.13.4
Intra2net own rolling distro: 3.11.0

I'm not sure what CMake versions embedded distros are using, but settling
on CMake 2.8.12 as a minimum version doesn't sound too bad.

Can you create own branch from the "modernize_cmake" branch
without all the CI related changes? Then I can have a look
and also promise a timely answer this time.

Shawn Hoffman also wanted to work on the CMake stuff,
may be a bit of coordination beforehand avoids double work.


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