libftdi Archives

Subject: C++ flush() Never Flushes RX

From: "Eric S." <eric@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: libftdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 14:46:23 -0500
The file ftdi.hpp contains
     enum Direction
The file ftdi.cpp contains
  int Context::flush(int mask)
      int ret = 1;

      if (mask & Input)
          ret &= ftdi_usb_purge_rx_buffer(d->ftdi);
      if (mask & Output)
         ret &= ftdi_usb_purge_tx_buffer(d->ftdi);

     return ret;

Since the enumeration assigns the value "0" to Input, the input queue is
never flushed.
The enumeration should be something like

The file ftdi.hpp contains
     enum Direction
         Input  = 0x1,
         Output = 0x2

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