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Subject: ftdi_read loses bytes (when latency is low)

From: Hendrik <chasake@xxxxxxxxx>
To: libftdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 19:32:25 +0100

I am currently porting our software from Windows (using FTDI's own driver) to Linux (using libftdi). Thus far it works great but I am now on a specific case in the program that needs to read chunks of data from our device.

The commands between the host (now a PC, later an embedded machine like a RPi) and our device are all 'request' -> 'reply' based. This specific case requests 522 bytes of data from the device that are sent over a 500.000 bps link. Note that there is no flow control on the link but the incoming and outgoing packets have a fixed / predictable size and a reply can only follow a request. The program flow is linear:

'ftdi_write' the request
while (not all 522 bytes received)
    'ftdi_read' the reply

When latency is 16ms or something, this guarantees the reply to be created by our device before the latency timer expires. In that case the problem does not occur (or not as frequent to spot it anyway).

When latency is at 1 ms, our device is not ready in time with the reply, which means that it takes about 6 iterations of expired latency timers and ftdi_read calls that return with 0 bytes. After that the complete chunk of 522 bytes comes in.That is ok for me BUT every once and a while not the complete chunk is received and I receive less that the expected 522 bytes. This happens more often if the computer is busy. I also never seem to hit the case that ftdi_read does not give me the expected bytes (or nothing), so the while loop for an incomplete read (except the 0-case) seems redundant.

I think this happens because the host does not poll the USB bus often enough and therefore loses data that is sent by the device but that is just a guess because:

* The read chunk size is at 4096 and therefore larger than expected 522 bytes * If the latency timer is higher, the problem does not seem to occur (so at what moment can we lose bytes, where are bytes stored when the latency timer has not expired yet and can we lose bytes just as well?) * The internal FTDI buffer is only 128 bytes (for sending) anyway so how can I even receive chunks of 522 bytes at one ftdi_read command * The first couple of ftdi_read calls return in about 1 ms (latency) with 0 bytes revceived but THEN I get one single call (that takes >10ms!) that return with 'less than expected'. If I am inside the ftdi_read during that time, how can I ever lose these bytes if there were not there the call before? Note that the same applies if a call succeeds: a couple of 1 ms call, then a ~12 ms call with the complete packet.

Can anyone explain this to me (and maybe hand me some insights or a solution :))?

Some more info:

* I checked with usbdump and it indeed seems that not all bytes are actually transferred over the USB bus * I know that the FTDI driver in windows seems to be polling all the time (if on 1 ms latency it sucks away 'kernel CPU' especially in our case with more than 1 FTDI connected and the port open) but the behaviour I see here does not happen (or VERY infrequently in Windows) * I am on kernel '3.16.3-031603-lowlatency', could the 'lowlatency' part be interfering?

Thanks in advance!


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