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Subject: Re: Multiple interface issues

From: Steve Soloski <ssoloski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: libftdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 31 May 2014 10:00:07 -0400
On 5/30/2014 9:32 PM, Xiaofan Chen wrote:
On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 10:17 PM, Steve Soloski <ssoloski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Well, after banging my head against the wall all day yesterday, I've figured
out what's happening...

In all of my installing/uninstalling of the USB driver - trying both
libusbK-inf-wizard and zadig - I eneded up with both libusb0.dll and
libusbK.dll on my system, in addition to the WinUSB that I wanted. Not quite
sure how they all got installed, but when I deleted both of them (and only
used the WinUSB driver) then this issue went away. Not sure what was causing
the issue, but at least it's resolved!

Hmm, that is strange. libusbk-inf-wizard and Zadig both install libusb0.dll
and libusbK.dll to be compatible with libusb-win32 and libusbK.

As for libusb Winodws backend, it will work either with libusbK.dll (to
support libusb0.sys, libusbK.sys and WinUSB) or without libusbK.dll
(only works with WinUSB). The code path will be a bit different.

Are you using the latest release version of libusb (1.0.18)?

Actually right now I'm using the latest snapshot of libusb (1.0.19-rc1) since I saw that it had some changes for better Win8 support. But I'm pretty sure I saw the same issues with 1.0.18... but honestly, right now I can't remember. When I get back into the office on Monday I'll revert back to 1.0.18 and post my results.

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