libftdi Archives

Subject: Re: FT2232H shows up like FT4232H

From: Matthias Brugger <matthias.bgg@xxxxxxxxx>
To: libftdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 16:43:48 +0200
2013/4/23 Newell Jensen <newell.jensen@xxxxxxxxx>:
> I just joined the mailing list and the email below has gone unanswered.  I
> am also faced with this problem but I get this issue intermittently.  That
> is, sometimes when I plug in the FT2232H mini module, it sometimes comes up
> as FT2232H and other times it comes up as FT4232H (he mentions FT4323H but
> mine comes up as FT4232H). When I run:
> $ lsusb -v
> and take a look at the output I see distinct differences when it comes up as
> FT2232H vs. FT4232H (obviously).  Has anyone else ran into this issue
> before?  I can easily reproduce this.  I mean I guess I could keep plugging
> and unplugging my mini module until it shows up as FT2232H but this seems
> like something buggy to begin with that I would like to wrap my head around.

FTDI customer service worte me this message. It din't helped me, but
maybe it will help you:
"If the FT2232H appears as an FT4232H, it means that the VCCIO pins
are not all powered correctly. Please check your connections and
ensure that all VCCIO pins are powered. It is not sufficient to power
only some of them."


> Thanks.
> ********************************************************************
> Hello all,
> I have problem with my FT2232H chip:
> I want to use it to communicate via sync FIFO. As the data sheet
> suggests you have to reprogram the eeprom, but when using the tool
> from libftdi I found that the chip id is FT4323H. Maybe someone who
> used the board beforehand overwrote the value.
> I tried to change the eeprom by hacking the eeprom example of the
> actual libftdi version (git clone), but I did not succeed.
> Can anyone tell me, how to change the chip id in the eeprom without
> breaking the device.
> Thanks a lot,
> Matthias Brugger
> --
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