libftdi Archives

Subject: Re: FT2232H second interface

From: Michael Wilt <mike@xxxxxxxxx>
To: libftdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 09:25:18 -0400
Thank you, now I see how it is supposed to work. When I specify INTERFACE_B I can see that ftdi_set_interface sets the end points correctly for the second interface. However, the next call to usb_bulk_write returns -22.


On 9/29/2011 8:42 AM, Uwe Bonnes wrote:
"Michael" == Michael Wilt<mike@xxxxxxxxx>  writes:
     Michael>  I'm not sure what you mean.  Windows installed the libusb
     Michael>  device driver for both interfaces so they both show up in the
     Michael>  device manager.  They have the same manufacturer and device
     Michael>  identifier so I'm not sure how to tell them apart and address
     Michael>  the second one.  Do you know the correct calls into libftdi to
     Michael>  open the second interface?

I meant that with "announce"

I tried
  build/examples/serial_test -i 2 -p 0x6010 -w0x55
with libftdi-1.0 and compiled serial_test also for libftdi-0, and both
  executables worked as expected.

I will send a patch for libftdi-0 to use the serial_test from 1.0 in s
separete mail.


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