libftdi Archives

Subject: Toggling DTR

From: Nick Hughart <mekius@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: libftdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 21:36:24 -0500
So I have a device that holds itself in reset until the DTR line is
asserted.  Once it is asserted, a message is sent from the device.

Using ftdi_sio I was able to just set the baud rate to 0 to deassert
DTR and set it to a proper baud rate to assert it. In libftdi it throws
an error when I try to set the baud rate to 0 which makes sense.

After looking I saw the ftdi_setdtr function so I thought I could use
this to achieve what I needed to do.  Unfortunately this seems to do
nothing to DTR and yet returns no errors.  Is there something that
needs to be done prior to using this function?

I may just be dumb and not seeing something obvious so be gentle.  If I
need to do some more debugging I can do that, but some pointers on
where to start looking would be appreciated.

For reference the ftdi chip is a 232BM.

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