add percent output
[nagios-monitoring] / check_mem_ucd_snmp / README
1check_mem_ucd_snmp: nagios-check testing the memory of a linux-system via SNMP
4for current version, documentation, contact information etc.
6This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY
7NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under
8the terms of the GNU General Public Licence; either version 2
9of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11Usage: check_mem_ucd_snmp [-h|--help] -H <hostname> [-p <port>] [-t <timeout>] [-T <retries>] [-v] [-i (KB|MB|GB)]
12[-1 | -2] [-c <community>]
13[-3] [-u <username>] [-a (md5|sha)] [-A <authpasswd>] [-x (des|aes)] [-X <privpasswd>]
14 [-E <contextengineid>] [-n <contextname>]
f7774910 15[-m <total-threshold>] [-M <total-threshold>] [-r <real-threshold>] [-R <real-threshold>]
17 -?, --usage
18 Print usage information
19 -h, --help
20 Print detailed help screen
21 -V, --version
22 Print version information
23 --extra-opts=[<section>[@<config_file>]]
24 Section and/or config_file from which to load extra options (may repeat)
25 -H, --hostname=STRING
26 hostname or IP
27 -p, --port=INTEGER
28 portnumber
29 -T, --retries=INTEGER
30 SNMP retries on error, default: 1
31 -i, --unit=STRING
32 unit for output and thresholds (KB|MB|GB), default: MB
33 -1, --snmpv1
34 use SNMP version 1
35 -2, --snmpv2c
36 use SNMP version 2c
37 -c, --community=STRING
38 SNMPv1/SNMPv2c community name, default: public
39 -3, --snmpv3
40 use SNMP version 3
41 -u, --username=STRING
42 SNMPv3 username
43 -a, --authprotocol=STRING
44 SNMPv3 authentication protocol (md5|sha), default: md5
45 -A, --authpassword=STRING
46 SNMPv3 authentication password
47 -x, --privprotocol=STRING
48 SNMPv3 privacy protocol (des|aes), default: des
49 -X, --privpassword=STRING
50 SNMPv3 privacy password
51 -E, --contextengineid=STRING
52 SNMPv3 context engine ID
53 -n, --contextname=STRING
54 SNMPv3 context name
55 -m, --totalavail-warning=FLOAT:FLOAT
56 Warning threshold for the total memory (real+swap) available, default: 500:
57 -M, --totalavail-critical=FLOAT:FLOAT
58 Critical threshold for the total memory (real+swap) available, default: 200:
59 -r, --realavail-warning=FLOAT:FLOAT
60 Warning threshold for the real memory available (free+buffer+cache), default: 200:
61 -R, --realavail-critical=FLOAT:FLOAT
62 Critical threshold for the real memory available (free+buffer+cache), default: 50:
63 -t, --timeout=INTEGER
64 Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
65 -v, --verbose
66 Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
68All thresholds are in nagios standard format, see
70for a description
72This check does currently not support setting the security engine id.