libftdi Archives

Subject: Re: [PATCH] Fixed purge & added purge_test.c; Fixed C++ bit-or's & const.

From: Russ Berman <rberman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: libftdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2018 11:08:19 -0700 (MST)
I also have been having the same Purge issues as Eric. I also have the manual
from FTDI under NDA that Thomas referred to. I reached out to my FTDI
contact to discuss a possible PurgeRX/PurgeTX transposition in the manual,
and received the following reply:

/Likely an issue of naming.  The buffers are named w/r/t the FT2xx chip.
When sending data from the FT2xx device to the host, the TX buffer is used.
(FT_Read command on host)
When the FT2xx device is receiving data from the host, the RX buffer is
used.  (FT_Write command on host)

So it appears Eric's patch is correct and should be incorporated. It amazes
me that so many people have been using Libftdi up to this point without
experiencing (or at least complaining) about this problem. It's a killer for

Best, -Russ

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