libftdi Archives

Subject: Ttl-232R-5.0V cable @ 2Mbaud continuous read of data flow

From: Szőke Sándor - Alex <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: libftdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 22:05:52 +0200

I trying to manage a connection between the PC and a micro controller.
using a cable with ftdi232rq.

The things I have figured out:

1. managed setting of exact 2Mbaud with 2000100 baud, which is funny for
me. :) (This cable has maximum transfer capacity of 3Mbaud.)
2. ftdi_read_data(...) was returned without data with the size of the
puffer, but the one currently in svn is suitable. Read returns after
latency or buffer is full.

The problem I have just recently discovered, is when making a continuous
receive for more than 10 seconds. There are missing bytes somewhere in
the middle... (variable missing bytes occur in the data flow). I would
be happy with 1 byte missing from 4kbyte.

I read in 4096 bytes with 16ms latency.

I don't know how to resolve this.

Maybe there is data received, in between the calls to
ftdi_read_data(...) that is missed? Or what?

Currently, the micro sends bytes continuously at 2Mbaud.

Any help would be appreciated...


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