libftdi Archives

Subject: Re: use timeout on read

From: Jonatan Magnusson <jonatan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: libftdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 15:11:16 +0100
fre 2009-03-27 klockan 13:58 +0100 skrev Ladislav Vaiz:

> Hi Jonatan,
> I use my own wrapper around ftdi_read_data. It returns immediately when 
> error occur or any amount of data is read. Timeout should be measured 
> with good precision.
> Lada
> int my_ftdi_read(struct sconn *sconn, void *data, size_t len, int 
> timeout_ms){
>     int ret;
>     struct timeval start, stop;
>     int usec, sec;
>     gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
>     while(1){
>         ret = ftdi_read_data(sconn->ftdi, data, len);
>         if (ret) break;
>         gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
>         usec = stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;
>         sec = stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec;
>         if (usec<0) usec+=1000000,sec--;
>         if (sec>timeout_ms/1000) break;
>         if (usec/1000>timeout_ms) break;
>         usleep(1000);
>     }
>     return ret;
> }


That consumes a little more CPU than I was hoping for, but I will do
something similar.

Btw, what are you doing with usec there? I don't think your code will
work with a timeout of 1200 ms for example: usec will never reach
12000000, so it will exit when sec > timeout_ms/1000, that is after 2

I do it like this:

        gettimeofday (&stop, NULL);
        ms = (stop.tv_usec - start.tv_usec) / 1000;
        ms += (stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000;
        if (ms > timeout_ms)

Oh, I didn't know about that comma-separated list of expressions syntax
you're using (usec+=1000000,sec--), nice!


Jonatan Magnusson

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