#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Encrypt a single file low-cost quick-devel badly-documented .. codeauthor:: Intra2net """ import sys from deltatar import crypto from deltatar import tarfile from traceback import print_exc CRYPTO_MODE_ENCRYPT = 0 CRYPTO_MODE_DECRYPT = 1 def initialize_encryption (mode, password=None, key=None, nacl=None): if key is None and password is None: raise Exception ("encryption requires either a key or a password") if mode == CRYPTO_MODE_ENCRYPT: return crypto.Encrypt (password=password, key=key, nacl=nacl, version=crypto.PDTCRYPT_DEFAULT_VER, paramversion=crypto.PDTCRYPT_DEFAULT_PVER) if mode == CRYPTO_MODE_DECRYPT: return crypto.Decrypt (password=password, key=key) def main(do_encrypt, in_file, out_file, password, comptype='gz', enctype='aes', bufsize=tarfile.RECORDSIZE, encoding='UTF-8'): """ Main function, called when running file as script see module doc for more info """ write_handle = read_handle = None return_code = 4 try: # open file to read if do_encrypt: read_handle = open(in_file, 'rt') else: decryptor = initialize_encryption (CRYPTO_MODE_DECRYPT, password=password) read_handle = tarfile._Stream(name=in_file, mode="r", comptype=comptype, bufsize=bufsize, fileobj=None, encryption=decryptor) return_code = 3 # open file to write if do_encrypt: encryptor = initialize_encryption (CRYPTO_MODE_ENCRYPT, password=password) write_handle = tarfile._Stream(name=out_file, mode='w', comptype=comptype, bufsize=bufsize, fileobj=None, encryption=encryptor) else: write_handle = open(out_file, 'wt') return_code = 1 # convert while True: buf = read_handle.read(bufsize) print('.', end='') if do_encrypt: write_handle.write(buf.encode(encoding, errors='strict')) else: write_handle.write(buf.decode(encoding, errors='replace')) if len(buf) < bufsize: if do_encrypt: print('successfully encrypted {} into {}' .format(in_file, out_file)) else: print('successfully decrypted {} into {}' .format(in_file, out_file)) break # reached EOF return_code = 0 except Exception: print('error encrypting file') print_exc() finally: # close everything if write_handle: try: write_handle.close() except Exception: return_code += 8 print('error closing out file') print_exc() if read_handle: try: read_handle.close() except Exception: return_code += 16 print('error closing in file') print_exc() # done return return_code if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 4: print('file_crypt.py {enc|dec} [-c] INFILE OUTFILE PASSWORD') sys.exit(2) elif sys.argv[1] == '-h': print('encrypt_file.py {enc|dec} [-c] INFILE OUTFILE PASSWORD') sys.exit(0) comptype = 'tar' # auto-detect, not sure whether this would work idx = 1 if sys.argv[idx] == '-c': print('assuming gzip compression') comptype = 'gz' idx += 1 do_encrypt = None if sys.argv[idx] == 'enc': do_encrypt = True elif sys.argv[idx] == 'dec': do_encrypt = False else: print('encrypt_file.py {enc|dec} [-c] INFILE OUTFILE PASSWORD') sys.exit(2) if len(sys.argv) != idx+4: print('encrypt_file.py {enc|dec} [-c] INFILE OUTFILE PASSWORD') sys.exit(2) sys.exit(main(do_encrypt, sys.argv[idx+1], sys.argv[idx+2], sys.argv[idx+3], comptype))