How to contribute: ------------------ Thanks for wanting to contribute. Here are the steps to keep in mind - Check if your contribution is not already part of some package we already use or might as well import. - Check that no-one else is currently implementing the same stuff. - (If outside Intra2net): Fork the repo. - Create a branch. - Develop your code there. - Only add functionality that is relevant for more than just your current project. - document your code (see below), use descriptive names for variables, functions, classes, ... - Run pylint, pep8, pydocstyle and try to minimize complaints. (If code is clearly more easily readable by violating suggestions, then that is ok.) - Create commits for each set of changes with well-formatted messages (see below). - Create unittests for the new functionality you implemented. - Run pylint, pep8, pydocstyle again. - Run unittests using the python version currently shipped with Intra2net systems. All tests must pass (or be skipped) - Push your branch. - (If outside Intra2net): Create pull request. - Tell maintainer ( that branch is ready for merge. - Discuss changes with maintainer. - Accept gratitude. Well-formatted doc strings: -------------------------- - Every module, class, function, relevant constant or global variable needs a doc string. - Doc strings must appear in line right after function/class declaration or at start of module. For classes and functions/methods, there are 2 options: - Option A: a one-liner with triple """ at start and end without space, e.g.: EG: def set_attribute(self, number): EG: """Set value of class_attribute to given number.""" EG: self.attribute = number Only to be used if parameters and returns are clear. - Option B: a multi-liner that describes more details, side-effects (e.g. exceptions raised), params and return types. Needs tripe """ at start and end in separate line, e.g.: EG: def filter_items(input_list, name=None, value=None): EG: """ EG: Find and return all list items that match given criteria. EG: EG: Searches through all items in list, and returns those that match all of the EG: criteria specified by params. A None-value for params (default) causes EG: criterion to be ignored. EG: EG: :param input_list: List of items to look through EG: :type input_list: list or tuple or other iterable EG: :param str name: Only select items whose .name attribute matches this name EG: :param int value: Only select items whose .value matches this value EG: :returns: List of items matching criteria EG: :rtype: [item] EG: :raises: ValueError if input is not iterable EG: """ EG: for item in input_list: EG: ... - All docstring contents (also that of one-liners) must be (almost) proper sentences with first word capitablied, proper punctuation, etc. - For global variables and constants, doc strings should be in line above the variable or in same line. They must start with "#: ", e.g.: EG: #: Default value for verbosity, only used if user does not give command EG: #: line argument '-v'. EG: DEFAULT_VERBOSITY = 2 - Really nice would be sphinx-compatible links e.g. to a :py:func:`test_function` or :py:class:`module.TestClass` or a :py:meth:`TestClass.test_method` or some :py:data:`CONSTANT_NAME`. - pydocstyle, pylint and pep8 usually give hints here, as well. Well-formatted commit messages: ------------------------------- - One short summary statement (<= 50 characters) in present tense - First char upper case, no punctuation at end. - Next line must be blank. - Add more details on the commit as required. - Wrap text at 72 characters. - Focus more on the "why" than the "how".