/* Copyright (C) 2006 by Intra2net AG - Gerd v. Egidy The software in this package is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (with a special exception described below). A copy of GNU General Public License (GPL) is included in this distribution, in the file COPYING.GPL. As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public License. However the source code for this file must still be made available in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License. This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ #ifndef __LIBT2N_SOCKET_WRAPPER #define __LIBT2N_SOCKET_WRAPPER #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace libt2n { /** @brief a basic implementation of ConnectionWrapper This is a basic version of a ConnectionWrapper which does not do any fancy error handling or anything, it justs executes the regular calls. Use this wrapper if you only want to use the singleton-feature of T2nSingletonWrapper. */ class BasicSocketWrapper : public ConnectionWrapper { protected: socket_type_value socket_type; std::string path; std::string server; int port; long long connect_timeout_usec; int max_retries; std::auto_ptr c; // TODO: Mark object as non-copyable as it contains an auto_ptr. // This will make sure nobody every tries to put this in a STL container public: BasicSocketWrapper(int _port, const std::string& _server="", long long _connect_timeout_usec=socket_client_connection::connect_timeout_usec_default, int _max_retries=socket_client_connection::max_retries_default) : ConnectionWrapper(), socket_type(tcp_s), server(_server), port(_port), connect_timeout_usec(_connect_timeout_usec), max_retries(_max_retries) { } BasicSocketWrapper(const std::string& _path, long long _connect_timeout_usec=socket_client_connection::connect_timeout_usec_default, int _max_retries=socket_client_connection::max_retries_default) : ConnectionWrapper(), socket_type(unix_s), path(_path), connect_timeout_usec(_connect_timeout_usec), max_retries(_max_retries) { } client_connection* get_connection(void); bool connection_established(void) { return (c.get() != NULL); } void set_logging(std::ostream *_logstream, log_level_values _log_level); }; /** @brief a wrapper implementing reconnect-then-throw This ConnectionWrapper tries to reconnect to the server if something with the connection goes wrong. If even reconnecting max_retries times does not help, an exception is thrown. */ class ReconnectSocketWrapper : public BasicSocketWrapper { public: ReconnectSocketWrapper(int _port, const std::string& _server="", long long _connect_timeout_usec=socket_client_connection::connect_timeout_usec_default, int _max_retries=socket_client_connection::max_retries_default) : BasicSocketWrapper(_port,_server,_connect_timeout_usec,_max_retries) { } ReconnectSocketWrapper(const std::string& _path, long long _connect_timeout_usec=socket_client_connection::connect_timeout_usec_default, int _max_retries=socket_client_connection::max_retries_default) : BasicSocketWrapper(_path,_connect_timeout_usec,_max_retries) { } bool handle(command_client* stubBase, boost::function< void() > f); }; /// a placeholder-client_connection which is closed all the time class dummy_client_connection : public client_connection { private: void real_write(const std::string& data) { } public: dummy_client_connection() : client_connection() { close(); } bool fill_buffer(long long usec_timeout=-1, long long *usec_timeout_remaining=NULL) { return false; } }; /** @brief a wrapper implementing reconnect-then-ignore This ConnectionWrapper tries to reconnect to the server if something with the connection goes wrong. If even reconnecting max_retries times does not help, the complete t2n-call is ignored. The return value of the call will be created with the default constructor. */ class ReconnectIgnoreFailureSocketWrapper : public ReconnectSocketWrapper { private: dummy_client_connection dc; public: ReconnectIgnoreFailureSocketWrapper(int _port, const std::string& _server="", long long _connect_timeout_usec=socket_client_connection::connect_timeout_usec_default, int _max_retries=socket_client_connection::max_retries_default) : ReconnectSocketWrapper(_port,_server,_connect_timeout_usec,_max_retries) { } ReconnectIgnoreFailureSocketWrapper(const std::string& _path, long long _connect_timeout_usec=socket_client_connection::connect_timeout_usec_default, int _max_retries=socket_client_connection::max_retries_default) : ReconnectSocketWrapper(_path,_connect_timeout_usec,_max_retries) { } client_connection* get_connection(void); bool handle(command_client* stubBase, boost::function< void() > f); }; } #endif