# Makefile snippet included by projects using libt2n-codegen # Asumptions: # gnu make (functions for transforming text) # sed is available include_HEADERS = $(foreach i, $(CMDGROUPS), $(i)_client.hxx $(i).hxx) # not needed but nice to have # IFILES=$(foreach i, $(CMDGROUPS), $(foreach j, $($(i)_GROUP), $(j))) -include $(foreach i, $(CMDGROUPS), libt2ngroup_$(i).P) libt2ngroup_%.P : Makefile.am echo $@ : $($*_GROUP) > libt2ngroup_$*.P %.libt2nstamp : libt2ngroup_%.P # assuming we have some unix like shell (maybe even bash) # echo BUILT_SOURCES: $(BUILT_SOURCES) # temporarily create _common.hxx file (will be overwritten by codegen below) echo '#include "codegen-stubhead.hxx"' > $*_common.hxx; echo '#include "$*.hxx"' >> $*_common.hxx; # todo use tmp file for xml file for i in $($*_GROUP); do \ gccxml $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(srcdir)/$${i} -fxml=$${i%*.cpp}.xml; \ done && $(LIBT2N_CODEGEN) $* $($*_GROUP:.cpp=.xml) && for i in $($*_GROUP); do \ rm $${i%*.cpp}.xml; \ done && touch $@ LIBT2N_CODEGEN_BUILT = $(foreach i, $(CMDGROUPS), $(foreach j, _common.hxx _common.cpp _client.hxx _client.cpp _server.hxx _server.cpp, $(i)$(j)) ) # using BUILT_SOURCES is a bit problematic (see also automake manual) BUILT_SOURCES = $(LIBT2N_CODEGEN_BUILT) LIBT2N_STAMPS=$(CMDGROUPS:=.libt2nstamp) $(BUILT_SOURCES) : $(LIBT2N_STAMPS) # Install the pkg-config files: (todo: perhaps use +=) pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig pkgconfig_DATA = $(CMDGROUPS:=.pc) # .pc files (one pc file for each command group) %.pc : $(LIBT2N_CLIENT_PCTEMPLATE) Makefile sed \ -e 's,\@CMDGROUP\@,$*,g' \ -e 's,\@prefix\@,$(prefix),g' \ -e 's,\@exec_prefix\@,$(exec_prefix),g' \ -e 's,\@libdir\@,$(libdir),g' \ -e 's,\@includedir\@,$(includedir),g' \ -e 's,\@VERSION\@,$(VERSION),g' \ $< >$*.pc CLEANFILES = $(LIBT2N_CODEGEN_BUILT) $(LIBT2N_STAMPS) $(pkgconfig_DATA) DISTCLEANFILES = $(foreach i, $(CMDGROUPS), libt2ngroup_$(i).P) # didn't work (same problem as with _LTLIBRARIES [parsing by automake], # this time _OBJECTS was not correct) # server_SOURCES = server.cpp \ # $(foreach i, $(CMDGROUPS), $(foreach j, $($(i)_GROUP), $(j))) \ # $(foreach i, $(CMDGROUPS), $(i)_server.cpp) # we have got an old automake version (1.4-p5) which doesn't support nodist_ # => we use this hack using the dist-hook dist-hook: $(LIBT2N_CODEGEN_BUILT) rm -vf $(foreach i, $(LIBT2N_CODEGEN_BUILT), $(distdir)/$(i)) EXTRA_DIST = codegen.make