Example how to use the code generator libt2n-codegen. This example may be build during the build of libt2n or it may be build seperately using a installed version of libt2n. To build it seperately using a installed version of libt2n: autoreconf && ./configure && make && make distcheck if it does not work you may have to move the example-codegen out of the libt2n directory and pass some options to autoreconf I use something like: tar xzvf libt2n-0.1.tar.gz mv libt2n-0.1/example-codegen . cd example-codegen # get configure script created and missing autotools helper files installed # if you installed libt2n in some non-standard directory you might have to pass # -M pathtolibt2n.m4 autoreconf -f -i ./configure && make && make distcheck