INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src @BOOST_CPPFLAGS@ @CPPUNIT_CFLAGS@ -I$(top_srcdir)/codegen LDADD = $(top_builddir)/src/ @BOOST_SERIALIZATION_LIB@ @BOOST_LDFLAGS@ CMDGROUPS = default other default_GROUP = default.cpp # command example of group using multiple cpp files other_GROUP = other-1.cpp other-2.cpp # foo.hxx must be listed manually include_HEADERS = foo.hxx # unfortunately we can't set those from variables # because they are parsed by automake libdefault_la_SOURCES = default_client.cpp libother_la_SOURCES = other_client.cpp lib_LTLIBRARIES = # build an example server and client client_SOURCES = client.cpp client_LDADD = $(LDADD) server_SOURCES = server.cpp \ $(other_GROUP) other_server.cpp \ $(default_GROUP) default_server.cpp \ foo.hxx noinst_PROGRAMS = client server # test script TESTS = test # always the same: include_HEADERS += $(foreach i, $(CMDGROUPS), $(i)_client.hxx $(i).hxx) #IFILES=$(foreach i, $(CMDGROUPS), $(foreach j, $($(i)_GROUP), $(j))) -include $(foreach i, $(CMDGROUPS), .deps/group_$(i).P) .deps/group_%.P : echo $@ : $($*_GROUP) > .deps/group_$*.P %.stamp : .deps/group_%.P $(top_builddir)/codegen/codegen # assuming we have some unix like shell (maybe even bash) echo BUILT_SOURCES: $(BUILT_SOURCES) cp -v $(top_srcdir)/codegen/codegen-stubhead.hxx $*_common.hxx; echo > $*_server.hxx; # todo use tmp file for xml file for i in $($*_GROUP); do \ gccxml $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $${i} -fxml=$${i%*.cpp}.xml; \ done; \ $(top_builddir)/codegen/codegen $* $($*_GROUP:.cpp=.xml) && touch $@ # assuming we have gnu make? BUILT_SOURCES = $(foreach i, $(CMDGROUPS), $(foreach j, _common.hxx _common.cpp _client.hxx _client.cpp _server.hxx _server.cpp, $(i)$(j)) ) STAMPS=$(CMDGROUPS:=.stamp) $(BUILT_SOURCES) : $(STAMPS) CLEANFILES = $(BUILT_SOURCES) $(STAMPS) # Install the pkg-config files: pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig pkgconfig_DATA = $(CMDGROUPS:=.pc) # .pc files (one pc file for each command group) %.pc : $(top_srcdir)/codegen/ Makefile sed \ -e 's,@CMDGROUP@,$*,g' \ -e 's,\@prefix\@,$(prefix),g' \ -e 's,\@exec_prefix\@,$(exec_prefix),g' \ -e 's,\@libdir\@,$(libdir),g' \ -e 's,\@includedir\@,$(includedir),g' \ $< >$*.pc