/* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 intra2net.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif //! map group to class name std::string groupClass(const std::string &group) { return std::string("cmd_group_")+group; } //! convert string to upper case std::string toupper(std::string s) { for (unsigned i=0; is.length() ) || ( std::string(s,0,prefix.length())!=prefix ) ) return error; return std::string(s, prefix.length(), s.length()-prefix.length()); } //! get child element by id /*! \return pointer to element having id or null on error \todo find libxmlpp pendant */ const xmlpp::Element* get_element_by_id(const xmlpp::Element* element, const std::string &id) { const xmlpp::Attribute* cid = element->get_attribute("id"); if ( cid && ( cid->get_value() == id)) return element; //Recurse through child nodes: xmlpp::Node::NodeList list = element->get_children(); for (xmlpp::Node::NodeList::iterator iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); ++iter) { const xmlpp::Element* element = dynamic_cast(*iter); if (element) { const xmlpp::Element* match = get_element_by_id(element, id); if (match) return match; } } return NULL; } std::string get_file(const xmlpp::Element* root, const std::string &file_id) { std::string error; const xmlpp::Element* e=get_element_by_id(root, file_id); if ((!e)||(!e->get_attribute("name"))) return error; return e->get_attribute("name")->get_value(); } //! get namespace by id /*! \return namespace name or empty string on error */ std::string get_namespace(const xmlpp::Element* root, const std::string &id) { std::string error; const xmlpp::Element* element(get_element_by_id(root, id)); // [RP:20071024]: use "demangled" attribute instead of "name" to cover nested namespaces: if ((!element)||(!element->get_attribute("demangled"))) return error; return element->get_attribute("demangled")->get_value(); } //! procedure marked for export? bool is_marked(const std::string &attrs) { // todo: improve this std::string to_match("gccxml(libt2n-"); std::string::size_type p(attrs.find(to_match)); return (p!=std::string::npos); } struct type_info { std::string name; std::string noref_name; bool operator==(const type_info& o) {return (name==o.name) && (noref_name == o.noref_name);} std::string noref() const {return noref_name.empty() ? name : noref_name;} bool isVoid() const {return name=="void";} }; std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const type_info &t) { o << t.name; return o; } struct parse_error : public std::runtime_error { parse_error(const std::string &file, unsigned line, const std::string &msg) : std::runtime_error(file+":"+boost::lexical_cast(line)+": error: "+msg) {} }; //! get type by id /*! \return type name or empty string on error */ type_info get_type(const xmlpp::Element* root, const std::string &id) { type_info error; const xmlpp::Element* element(get_element_by_id(root, id)); if (!element) return error; // TODO: not yet complete // if we recurse - when do we stop? // if it is a typedef? yes? (hmm if the typedef is in the file parsed this will not work) // TODO: const and reference types handling is a ugly hack std::string tag(element->get_name()); if (tag=="ReferenceType") { assert(element->get_attribute("type")); type_info ret(get_type(root, element->get_attribute("type")->get_value())); if (ret==error) return error; // at the moment we only support const & // todo: nice error message! if ((ret.noref_name=strip(ret.name,"const ")).empty()) return error; ret.name=ret.name+"&"; return ret; } else if (tag=="CvQualifiedType") { assert(element->get_attribute("type")); type_info ret(get_type(root, element->get_attribute("type")->get_value())); if (ret==error) return error; ret.name=std::string("const ")+ret.name; return ret; } else if (tag=="PointerType") { // todo: nearly the same as reference type handling assert(element->get_attribute("type")); type_info ret(get_type(root, element->get_attribute("type")->get_value())); if (ret==error) return error; // at the moment we only support const & // todo: nice error message! if ((ret.noref_name=strip(ret.name,"const ")).empty()) return error; ret.name=ret.name+"*"; return ret; } assert(element->get_attribute("name")); type_info ret; if (element->get_attribute("context")) { ret.name=get_namespace(root, element->get_attribute("context")->get_value()); if (ret.name!="::") ret.name+="::"; else // do not explicitely add :: ret.name=""; } ret.name+=element->get_attribute("name")->get_value(); return ret; } struct t2n_procedure { typedef std::list > Args; type_info ret_type; std::string name; std::string mangled; Args args; std::string ret_classname() const { return name+mangled+"_res"; } std::string cmd_classname() const { return name+mangled+"_cmd"; } bool hasReturn() const {return !ret_type.isVoid();} }; std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const t2n_procedure::Args &args) { for (t2n_procedure::Args::const_iterator it=args.begin();it!=args.end();++it) { if (it!=args.begin()) o << ", "; o << it->second << " " << it->first; } return o; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const t2n_procedure &f) { o << f.ret_type << " " << f.name << "(" << f.args << ")"; return o; } std::pair get_file_and_line(const xmlpp::Element* root, const xmlpp::Element* element) { return std::pair(get_file(root, element->get_attribute("file")->get_value()), boost::lexical_cast(element->get_attribute("line")->get_value())-1); } std::string get_file_and_line_as_string(const xmlpp::Element* root, const xmlpp::Element* element) { std::pair fl(get_file_and_line(root,element)); return std::string(fl.first)+":"+boost::lexical_cast(fl.second); } class Parser { public: Parser(const std::string &fname) : m_fname(fname) {} std::list get_procedures() { xmlpp::DomParser parser; // parser.set_validate(); parser.set_substitute_entities(); //We just want the text to be resolved/unescaped automatically. parser.parse_file(m_fname); if (parser) { //Walk the tree: const xmlpp::Node* pNode = parser.get_document()->get_root_node(); //deleted by DomParser. const xmlpp::Element* root = dynamic_cast(pNode); assert(root); visit_node(root); } return m_procedures; } protected: std::string m_fname; std::list m_procedures; void parse_function(const xmlpp::Element* root, const xmlpp::Node* node) { const xmlpp::Element* element = dynamic_cast(node); if (!element) return; const xmlpp::Attribute* attributes = element->get_attribute("attributes"); const xmlpp::Attribute* name = element->get_attribute("name"); const xmlpp::Attribute* mangled = element->get_attribute("mangled"); const xmlpp::Attribute* returns = element->get_attribute("returns"); if ((!attributes)||(!name)||(!mangled)||(!returns)) return; // check wether the procedure is marked (TODO: improve) // attributes are speparated by spaces? t2n_procedure f; if (!is_marked(attributes->get_value())) return; // we need the return type f.ret_type=get_type(root, returns->get_value()); f.name=name->get_value(); f.mangled=mangled->get_value(); xmlpp::Node::NodeList list = node->get_children("Argument"); for (xmlpp::Node::NodeList::iterator iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); ++iter) { const xmlpp::Element* arg = dynamic_cast(*iter); if ( arg ) { assert(arg->get_name() == "Argument"); assert(arg->get_attribute("name")); assert(arg->get_attribute("type")); f.args.push_back(std::pair(arg->get_attribute("name")->get_value(), get_type(root, arg->get_attribute("type")->get_value()))); // todo: ugly - could be any other error if (f.args.back().second.name.empty()) { assert(element->get_attribute("file")); assert(element->get_attribute("line")); std::pair file_and_line(get_file_and_line(root, element)); throw parse_error(file_and_line.first, file_and_line.second, std::string("type of parameter `")+f.args.back().first+"' not (yet?) supported"); } } } std::cerr << get_file_and_line_as_string(root, element) << ":\texport procedure: " << f << std::endl; m_procedures.push_back(f); } void visit_node(const xmlpp::Element* root, const xmlpp::Node* node = NULL, unsigned int indentation = 0) { if (!node) node=root; const xmlpp::ContentNode* nodeContent = dynamic_cast(node); const xmlpp::TextNode* nodeText = dynamic_cast(node); const xmlpp::CommentNode* nodeComment = dynamic_cast(node); if (nodeText && nodeText->is_white_space()) //Let's ignore the indenting - you don't always want to do this. return; std::string nodename = node->get_name(); if (!nodeText && !nodeComment && !nodename.empty()) //Let's not say "name: text". { if (node->get_name() == "Function") parse_function(root, node); } if (!nodeContent) { //Recurse through child nodes: xmlpp::Node::NodeList list = node->get_children(); for (xmlpp::Node::NodeList::iterator iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); ++iter) { visit_node(root, *iter, indentation + 2); //recursive } } } }; void output_common_hpp(std::ostream &o, const std::string &group, const std::list &procs) { o << "class " << groupClass(group) << " : public libt2n::command\n" << "{\n" << "private:\n" << " friend class boost::serialization::access;\n" << " template\n" << " void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int /* version */)\n" << " {ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_BASE_OBJECT_NVP(libt2n::command);}\n" << "};\n"; for (std::list::const_iterator it=procs.begin();it!=procs.end();++it) { o << "class " << it->ret_classname() << " : public libt2n::result\n" << "{\n" << "private:\n"; if (it->hasReturn()) o << " " << it->ret_type << " res;\n"; o << " friend class boost::serialization::access;\n" << " template\n" << " void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int /* version */)\n" << " {\n" << " ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_BASE_OBJECT_NVP(libt2n::result);\n"; if (it->hasReturn()) o << " ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(res);\n"; o << " }\n" << "public:\n" << " " << it->ret_classname() << "() {}\n"; if (it->hasReturn()) { o << " " << it->ret_classname() << "(const " << it->ret_type << " &_res) : res(_res) {}\n" << " " << it->ret_type << " get_data() { return res; }\n"; } o << "};\n"; } for (std::list::const_iterator it=procs.begin();it!=procs.end();++it) { o << "class " << it->cmd_classname() << " : public " << groupClass(group) << "\n" << "{\n" << "private:\n"; for (t2n_procedure::Args::const_iterator ait=it->args.begin();ait!=it->args.end();++ait) { o << " " << ait->second.noref() << " " << ait->first << ";\n"; } o << " friend class boost::serialization::access;\n" << " template\n" << " void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int /* version */)\n" << " {\n" << " ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_BASE_OBJECT_NVP(" << groupClass(group) << ");\n"; for (t2n_procedure::Args::const_iterator ait=it->args.begin();ait!=it->args.end();++ait) { o << " ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(" << ait->first << ");\n"; } // default constructor o << " }\n" << "\n" << "public:\n" << " " << it->cmd_classname() << "() {}\n"; // constructor taking all arguments if (!it->args.empty()) { o << " " << it->cmd_classname() << "("; for (t2n_procedure::Args::const_iterator ait=it->args.begin();ait!=it->args.end();++ait) { if (ait!=it->args.begin()) o << ", "; o << ait->second << " _" << ait->first; } o << ") : "; for (t2n_procedure::Args::const_iterator ait=it->args.begin();ait!=it->args.end();++ait) { if (ait!=it->args.begin()) o << ", "; // pointers are const pointers and must be dereferenced o << ait->first << "(" << ((ait->second.name.find_first_of('*')!=std::string::npos) ? "*" : "" ) << "_" << ait->first << ")"; } o << " {}\n"; } o << " libt2n::result* operator()();\n" << "};\n"; } } void output_common_cpp(std::ostream &o, const std::string &group, const std::list &procs, const std::string &common_hpp) { o << "#include \"" << common_hpp << "\"\n" << "#include \n" << "\n" << "/* register types with boost serialization */\n"; o << "BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT(" << groupClass(group) << ")\n"; for (std::list::const_iterator it=procs.begin();it!=procs.end();++it) { o << "BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT("<ret_classname()<<")\n" << "BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT("<cmd_classname()<<")\n"; } } void output_client_hpp(std::ostream &o, const std::string &group, const std::list &procs) { o << "#include \n"; o << "class " << groupClass(group) << "_client : public libt2n::command_client\n" << "{\n" << "public:\n" << groupClass(group) << "_client(libt2n::client_connection &_c,\n" << " long long _command_timeout_usec=command_timeout_usec_default,\n" << " long long _hello_timeout_usec=hello_timeout_usec_default)\n" << " : libt2n::command_client(_c,_command_timeout_usec,_hello_timeout_usec)\n" << " {}\n"; for (std::list::const_iterator pit=procs.begin();pit!=procs.end();++pit) { o << " " << *pit << ";\n"; } o << "};\n"; } void output_client_cpp(std::ostream &o, const std::string &group, const std::list &procs, const std::string &common_hpp, const std::string &common_cpp, const std::string &client_hpp) { o << "#include \"" << client_hpp << "\"\n" << "#include \"" << common_hpp << "\"\n" << "// fake\n"; for (std::list::const_iterator it=procs.begin();it!=procs.end();++it) { o << "libt2n::result* " << it->cmd_classname() << "::operator()() { return NULL; }\n"; } for (std::list::const_iterator pit=procs.begin();pit!=procs.end();++pit) { o << pit->ret_type << " " << groupClass(group) << "_client::" << pit->name << "(" << pit->args << ")\n" << "{\n" << " libt2n::result_container rc;\n" << " send_command(new " << pit->cmd_classname() << "("; for (t2n_procedure::Args::const_iterator ait=pit->args.begin();ait!=pit->args.end();++ait) { if (ait!=pit->args.begin()) o << ", "; o << ait->first; } o << "), rc);\n" << " " << pit->ret_classname() << "* res=dynamic_cast<" << pit->ret_classname() << "*>(rc.get_result());\n" << " if (!res) throw libt2n::t2n_communication_error(\"result object of wrong type\");\n"; if (pit->hasReturn()) o << " return res->get_data();\n"; o << "}\n"; } // include in this compilation unit to ensure the compilation unit is used // see also: // http://www.google.de/search?q=g%2B%2B+static+initializer+in+static+library o << "#include \"" << common_cpp << "\"\n"; } void output_server_hpp(std::ostream &o, const std::string & /* group */, const std::list &procs, const std::string &common_hpp) { o << "#include \"" << common_hpp << "\"\n"; // output function declarations for (std::list::const_iterator it=procs.begin();it!=procs.end();++it) o << *it << ";\n"; } void output_server_cpp(std::ostream &o, const std::string &group, const std::list &procs, const std::string &common_hpp, const std::string &common_cpp) { o << "#include \"" << common_hpp << "\"\n"; for (std::list::const_iterator it=procs.begin();it!=procs.end();++it) { o << *it << ";\n"; o << "libt2n::result* " << it->cmd_classname() << "::operator()() { "; if (it->hasReturn()) o << "return new " << it->ret_classname() << "("; // output function name and args o << it->name << "("; for (t2n_procedure::Args::const_iterator ait=it->args.begin();ait!=it->args.end();++ait) { if (ait!=it->args.begin()) o << ", "; // get pointer if (ait->second.name.find_first_of('*')!=std::string::npos) o << '&'; o << ait->first; } if (it->hasReturn()) o << "));"; else o << "); return new " << it->ret_classname() << "();"; o << " }\n"; } o << "#include \"" << common_cpp << "\"\n"; } struct header_file : public std::ofstream { header_file(const char* fname) : std::ofstream(fname) { std::cerr << "create header: '" << fname << "'" << std::endl; std::string macro(replace(toupper(fname),'.','_')); *this << "// automatically generated code (generated by libt2n-codegen " << VERSION << ") - do not edit\n" << std::endl; *this << "#ifndef " << macro << "\n" << "#define " << macro << "\n"; } ~header_file() { *this << "#endif" << std::endl; } }; struct cpp_file : public std::ofstream { cpp_file(const char* fname) : std::ofstream(fname) { std::cerr << "create cpp: '" << fname << "'" << std::endl; *this << "// automatically generated code - do not edit\n" << std::endl; } }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // todo: maybe use getopt if ((argc>1)&&(std::string(argv[1])=="--version")) { std::cerr << VERSION << std::endl; return 0; } if (argc < 3) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "default-group gccxml-file1 gccxml-file2 ... " << std::endl; return 1; } try { std::string group(argv[1]); std::list xmlfiles; for (int i=2;i procedures; for (std::list::iterator it=xmlfiles.begin();it!=xmlfiles.end();++it) { std::cerr << "Parse " << *it << std::endl; Parser parser(*it); const std::list &p(parser.get_procedures()); std::copy(p.begin(), p.end(), std::back_inserter(procedures)); } std::cerr << "All procedures:" << std::endl; for (std::list::const_iterator it=procedures.begin();it!=procedures.end();++it) std::cerr << *it << ";" << std::endl; std::string common_hpp_fname(prefix+"common.hxx"); std::string common_cpp_fname(prefix+"common.cpp"); std::string client_hpp_fname(prefix+"client.hxx"); std::string client_cpp_fname(prefix+"client.cpp"); std::string server_hpp_fname(prefix+"server.hxx"); std::string server_cpp_fname(prefix+"server.cpp"); header_file common_hpp(common_hpp_fname.c_str()); common_hpp << "// boost serialization is picky about order of include files => we have to include this one first\n" << "#include \"codegen-stubhead.hxx\"\n" << "#include \"" << group << ".hxx\"\n"; output_common_hpp(common_hpp, group, procedures); cpp_file common_cpp(common_cpp_fname.c_str()); output_common_cpp(common_cpp, group, procedures, common_hpp_fname); header_file client_hpp(client_hpp_fname.c_str()); client_hpp << "// boost serialization is picky about order of include files => we have to include this one first\n" << "#include \"codegen-stubhead.hxx\"\n" << "#include \"" << group << ".hxx\"\n"; output_client_hpp(client_hpp, group, procedures); cpp_file client_cpp(client_cpp_fname.c_str()); output_client_cpp(client_cpp, group, procedures, common_hpp_fname, common_cpp_fname, client_hpp_fname); header_file server_hpp(server_hpp_fname.c_str()); output_server_hpp(server_hpp, group, procedures, common_hpp_fname); cpp_file server_cpp(server_cpp_fname.c_str()); output_server_cpp(server_cpp, group, procedures, common_hpp_fname, common_cpp_fname); } catch (const parse_error &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }