#ifndef MINIMALISTIC_STUB_HXX #define MINIMALISTIC_STUB_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __GCCXML__ // used during parsing run with gccxml /** @brief mark a function to export it via libt2n @par Example @code LIBT2N_EXPORT std::string testfunc(const std::string &str) { // your code here } @endcode */ #define LIBT2N_EXPORT __attribute((gccxml("libt2n-default"))) /** @brief tell libt2n about a default argument @param type type of the default argument @param value default value @par Example @code LIBT2N_EXPORT std::string testfunc(LIBT2N_DEFAULT_ARG(const std::string str&,"hello world")) { // your code here } @endcode @remarks Codegen gets default arguments via this define (gccxml-attribute) because gccxml does not correctly output them (e.g. the namespace is ambiguous) */ #define LIBT2N_DEFAULT_ARG(type,value) __attribute((gccxml("libt2n-default-arg",#value))) type = value #else // used during regular compile #define LIBT2N_EXPORT #define LIBT2N_DEFAULT_ARG(type,value) type = value #endif #endif