#include #include #include #include int ipt_ACCOUNT_init(struct ipt_ACCOUNT_context *ctx) { memset (ctx, 0, sizeof(struct ipt_ACCOUNT_context)); ctx->sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW); if (ctx->sockfd < 0) { ctx->sockfd = -1; ctx->error_str = "Can't open socket to kernel. Permission denied or ipt_ACCOUNT module not loaded"; return -1; } // 4096 bytes default buffer should save us from reallocations // as it fits 200 concurrent active clients if((ctx->data = (void *)malloc(IPT_ACCOUNT_MIN_BUFSIZE)) == NULL) { close (ctx->sockfd); ctx->sockfd = -1; ctx->error_str = "Out of memory for data buffer"; return -1; } ctx->data_size = IPT_ACCOUNT_MIN_BUFSIZE; return 0; } void ipt_ACCOUNT_free_entries(struct ipt_ACCOUNT_context *ctx) { if (ctx->handle.handle_nr >= 0) { setsockopt(ctx->sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IPT_SO_SET_ACCOUNT_HANDLE_FREE, &ctx->handle, sizeof (struct ipt_account_handle_sockopt)); ctx->handle.handle_nr = -1; } ctx->handle.itemcount = 0; ctx->pos = 0; } void ipt_ACCOUNT_deinit(struct ipt_ACCOUNT_context *ctx) { free(ctx->data); ctx->data = NULL; ipt_ACCOUNT_free_entries(ctx); close(ctx->sockfd); ctx->sockfd =-1; } int ipt_ACCOUNT_read_entries(struct ipt_ACCOUNT_context *ctx, char *table, char dont_flush) { unsigned int s = sizeof (struct ipt_account_handle_sockopt); int rtn; strncpy(ctx->handle.name, table, ACCOUNT_TABLE_NAME_LEN-1); // Get table information if (!dont_flush) rtn = getsockopt(ctx->sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IPT_SO_GET_ACCOUNT_PREPARE_READ_FLUSH, &ctx->handle, &s); else rtn = getsockopt(ctx->sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IPT_SO_GET_ACCOUNT_PREPARE_READ, &ctx->handle, &s); if (rtn < 0) { ctx->error_str = "Can't get table information from kernel. Is the table existing?"; return -1; } // Check data buffer size ctx->pos = 0; unsigned int new_size = ctx->handle.itemcount * sizeof(struct ipt_account_handle_ip); // We want to prevent reallocations all the time if (new_size < IPT_ACCOUNT_MIN_BUFSIZE) new_size = IPT_ACCOUNT_MIN_BUFSIZE; // Reallocate if it's too small or twice as big if (ctx->data_size < new_size || ctx->data_size > new_size*2) { // Free old buffer free (ctx->data); ctx->data_size = 0; if ((ctx->data = (void*)malloc(new_size)) == NULL) { ctx->error_str = "Out of memory for data buffer"; ipt_ACCOUNT_free_entries(ctx); return -1; } ctx->data_size = new_size; } // Copy data from kernel memcpy(ctx->data, &ctx->handle, sizeof(struct ipt_account_handle_sockopt)); rtn = getsockopt(ctx->sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IPT_SO_GET_ACCOUNT_GET_DATA, ctx->data, &ctx->data_size); if (rtn < 0) { ctx->error_str = "Can't get data from kernel. Check /var/log/messages for details."; ipt_ACCOUNT_free_entries(ctx); return -1; } // Free kernel handle but don't reset pos/itemcount setsockopt(ctx->sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IPT_SO_SET_ACCOUNT_HANDLE_FREE, &ctx->handle, sizeof (struct ipt_account_handle_sockopt)); ctx->handle.handle_nr = -1; return 0; } struct ipt_account_handle_ip *ipt_ACCOUNT_get_next_entry(struct ipt_ACCOUNT_context *ctx) { struct ipt_account_handle_ip *rtn; // Empty or no more items left to return? if (!ctx->handle.itemcount || ctx->pos >= ctx->handle.itemcount) return NULL; // Get next entry rtn = (struct ipt_account_handle_ip *)(ctx->data + ctx->pos*sizeof(struct ipt_account_handle_ip)); ctx->pos++; return rtn; } char *addr_to_dotted(unsigned int addr) { static char buf[20]; const unsigned char *bytep; bytep = (const unsigned char *) &addr; sprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d", bytep[0], bytep[1], bytep[2], bytep[3]); return buf; } int main(void) { struct ipt_ACCOUNT_context ctx; struct ipt_account_handle_ip *entry; int i; if(ipt_ACCOUNT_init(&ctx)) { printf("Init failed: %s\n", ctx.error_str); exit (-1); } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { printf("Run #%d\n", i); // Get entries from table test if (ipt_ACCOUNT_read_entries(&ctx, "test", 0)) { printf("Read failed: %s\n", ctx.error_str); ipt_ACCOUNT_deinit(&ctx); exit (-1); } // Output and free entries while ((entry = ipt_ACCOUNT_get_next_entry(&ctx)) != NULL) { printf("IP: %s SRC packets: %u bytes: %u DST packets: %u bytes: %u\n", addr_to_dotted(entry->ip), entry->src_packets, entry->src_bytes, entry->dst_packets, entry->dst_bytes); } sleep(1); } ipt_ACCOUNT_deinit(&ctx); exit (0); }